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Iamso 品牌簡介

我們將 “IamSo”定義為一種生活態(tài)度,主張自我個性的展現(xiàn)。字面上可以理解為 “ 我就是這樣!”那么對于“這樣”每個人都有自己的理解和詮釋。因此我們希望通過不同風格的服飾,以混搭作為一種方式,重新搭配,使每個人可以穿出自我風格。IamSo 品牌將既保守又前衛(wèi)的英倫風格,與神秘的東方文化相結(jié)合,使服裝保持一種簡約、個性、唯美、創(chuàng)新的品牌形象。
We defined "IamSo" as an attitude of life, to advocate the emerging of personality. Literally it can be explained as “I am so!",for this phases "so" everyone has their own understanding **interpretation. Therefore, we hope to re-mix variant styles of clothing through mix **match, enables people to show their personal styles. Br**IamSo makes the best use of both conservative **avant-garde of Engl**style, combining with the mysterious oriental culture to create a br**image of simple, personal, aesthetic **innovative.

IamSo,一個誕生于英國倫敦的傳奇,推崇High Fashion的華麗和高雅,卻又不失街頭時尚的年輕,活力,自由,創(chuàng)意和個性化。靈活變通的舒適功能配上刁鉆考究的用色剪裁,保留華麗的同時,淡化隆重與刻意,希望可以得到每個追求浪漫自由的新時代女性的青睞。
IamSo, a legend that was born in London, praises High Fashion’s gorgeous **elegant, without losing street fashion of young, dynamic, free, creativity **personalization. Flexible **comfortable features coupling with the exquisite **tricky use of color retains gorgeous, meanwhile diluted solemnity **deliberation. We hope that our style can be favored by each new era women who pursues romantic freedom.

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